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Once again we are teaming up with Love Bristol for our prizes, so all winners will receive a love Bristol gift card. With over 100 outlets in central Bristol accepting it you will be spoilt for choice on what to spend it on!

Each week you will be automatically entered into the prize draws where eligible

1 - 7 July

And we're off! Week 1 - let's get going. You will be automatically entered into the following prize draws if you are eligible

Let's get going
2 X £25 gift cards to win drawn from all those who log a journey this week

Share the love
£25 card drawn from all those who invite a friend to join in using the link on the website

Participation reward
£25 card to win drawn from all those who've logged over 4 journeys this week

Social Media
2 X £25 cards to win selected from all those sharing your first journey on #BristolTravelChallenge or Facebook tagging Travelwest

Make the change
2 X £25 gift cards drawn from all those who swapped the car for another way of getting to work this week

8 - 14 July

Week 2 - make a change. You will be automatically entered into the following prize draws if you are eligible

Working from home award
2 X £20 gift cards to win drawn from all those who are working from home and have logged at least 4 local journeys this week

Social Media
£25 card drawn from all those sharing the Challenge on facebook or #BristolTravelChallenge or Facebook tagging Travelwest

Participation reward
£25 card to win drawn from all those who have logged over 8 journeys this week

Make the change
2 X £25 cards drawn from all those who swapped the car for another way of getting to work this week

15 - 21 July

Week 3 - get active. You will be automatically entered into the following prize draws if you are eligible

Working from home award
2 X £20 gift cards to win drawn from all those who are working from home and have logged at least 4 local journeys this week

Social Media
£25 card drawn from all those sharing the Challenge on Facebook or #BristolTravelChallenge or Facebook tagging Travelwest

Participation reward
£25 card to win drawn from all those who have logged over 12 journeys by the end of this week

Made the change
3 X £25 gift cards drawn from all those who swapped the car for at least 4 walk, wheel, or scoot journeys this week

22 - 31 July

It's the final week! Tell us your story by sharing your photos and updates on the web platform via your Personal Profile. Share your stories on social media too, on facebook and by using #BristolTravelChallege

Best photo
£30 gift card awarded for posting on the platform or on social media
£20 card for the runner-up!

Best comment / story
£30 gift card awarded for posting on the platform or on social media
£20 card for the runner-up too!

Working from home award
£20 card to win drawn from all those who've logged 4 active journeys this week

Social Media
£25 card drawn from all those sharing the Challenge on Facebook or #BristolTravelChallenge or Facebook tagging Travelwest

Participation reward
£25 gift card to win drawn from all those who have logged over 16 journeys since the start of the Challenge

10 - 16 June
£20 card drawn from all those signing up to the Challenge during this time
£20 card drawn from all those who inviting a friend to sign up too using the links in the challenge website

17 - 23 June
£20 card drawn from all those signing up to the Challenge during this time
£20 card drawn from all those inviting a friend to sign up too using the links in the challenge website

24 - 30 June
£20 card drawn from all those signing up to the Challenge during this time
£20 card drawn from all those who inviting a friend to sign up too using the links in the challenge website

Individual Prizes

Walking champion - Most walking journeys recorded. Prize draw from the top 10 individuals
£40 gift card

Cycling champion - Most cycling journeys recorded. Prize draw from the top 10 individuals
£40 gift card

Bus champion - Most bus journeys recorded. Prize draw from the top 10 individuals
£40 gift card

Train champion - Most train journeys recorded. Prize draw from the top 10 individuals
£40 gift card

Workplace Prizes - winners selected by employee participation rather than number of journeys

Best team 3 - 19
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 3 - 19
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing

Best team 20 - 89
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 20 - 89
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing

Best team 90 - 249
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 90 - 249
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing

Best team 250 - 499
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 250 - 499
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing

Best team 500 - 999
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 500 - 999
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing

Best team 1000+
£50 donation to charity of team's choosing
Runner-up 1000+
£30 donation to charity of team's choosing
