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DAC Beachcroft (Bristol)

Workplace DAC Beachcroft (Bristol)

Size category: 500–999. Currently 2nd in category. View results

Earn badges

DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) hasn’t earned any badges yet. Click on a badge below to find out how to earn it.


160 Journeys


  • 160 Total
  • 24 Walking
  • 47 Cycling
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 77 Running
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard /skates
  • 0 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 0 Scooting
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Train
  • 11 Bus
  • 0 Park & Ride
  • 1 Paddling / Kayaking


DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) hasn’t set a target yet.


1,009 Miles


  • 1,009 Total
  • 46 Walking
  • 249 Cycling
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 681 Running
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard /skates
  • 0 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 0 Scooting
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Train
  • 26 Bus
  • 0 Park & Ride
  • 6 Paddling / Kayaking


97,861 Calories


  • 97,861 Total
  • 4,287 Walking
  • 13,396 Cycling
  • 0 E-cycling
  • 79,120 Running
  • 0 Scooter/ skateboard /skates
  • 0 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 0 Scooting
  • 0 Wheelchair
  • 0 Train
  • 56 Bus
  • 0 Park & Ride
  • 1,002 Paddling / Kayaking

Cost savings

£6.08 Saved

Cost Savings

  • £6.08 Total
  • £0.00 Walking
  • £5.57 Cycling
  • £0 E-cycling
  • £0.00 Running
  • £0 Scooter/ skateboard /skates
  • £0 Car sharing (2+ people)
  • £0 Scooting
  • £0 Wheelchair
  • £0 Train
  • £0.51 Bus
  • £0 Park & Ride
  • £0.00 Paddling / Kayaking

Carbon emissions

6kg CO2 saved

Carbon Emissions

  • 6kg Total
  • 0kg Walking
  • 3kg Cycling
  • 0kg E-cycling
  • 0kg Running
  • 0kg Scooter/ skateboard /skates
  • 0kg Car sharing (2+ people)
  • 0kg Scooting
  • 0kg Wheelchair
  • 0kg Train
  • 3kg Bus
  • 0kg Park & Ride
  • 0kg Paddling / Kayaking


DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) hasn’t created any teams yet.

Workplaces – Size Category: 500–999

Position Organisation Participation Journeys
1 North Bristol NHS Trust 1% 418
2 DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) 0.7% 160
3 IOP Publishing 0.4% 94
4 Halo Office 0.4% 11
5 BT Assembly 0.2% 27


0.7% Participation

5/760 people in this workplace are participating in the challenge.

People in this workplace

Person Journeys
Rebecca 59
Paul 28
Sudhanshu 26
Caroline 19
Isabelle 17

Workplaces DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) are Watching

DAC Beachcroft (Bristol) is not watching any Workplaces yet.

Workplace Details

Total staff/members: 760
Registered: 7
Contact name: Sudhanshu Mardikar Send a message